if you look on someones facebook or any web site for that matter you will be surprised to see what they have listed under "religious view."
It is just a title for most people not a life style but something to fill the blank area.
I was overhearing a conversation at my work the other day. Yes it is a christian environment yet that is not how it is for the most part. If you look deeper into the atmosphere you would be surprised. If you were to take a walk in the kitchen or by the drive thru you would be very shocked at the things you hear. Not because it is not something you dont hear off the streets but that it is something you would hear every day. We are no different then McDonalds or whataburger. Only that we are closed Sunday but so are other restaurants.
Okay you can live how you want to live, who am I to judge? It however bugs me when you stand there trying to convince someone o you are a Christian or say it on your facebook but live completely different in the world.
I remember seeing one person on my friends list have "firm no-believer" as the religious views, for some reason that bugged me more than leaving it blank.
something to think about this week.
It not just a title.