Well they sent him home. But then on saturday, also my mothers birthday, he went back into the hospital. He could not even control his bowel movements and was throwing up everything. By this time his lips were purple from being dehydrated plus the fact that he had really not eaten anything in a few days. By this time he was so weak he was not even walking we had to even carry him to the bathroom. After several hours at the hospital we were told he had a step throat really bad and signs of the scarlet fever. They told my parents if they hadn't brought him his fever would have rose and he could have passed out.
He came home and was felling better thanks to the iv. He finally was able to walk again after a few days and his strength was coming back to him. Well it has been 2 days now and he isn't doing much better. Still wont eat and is running a fever. My mom finally took him back to the doctor to find out now he does in fact have the scarlet fever. Poor kid he is going through so much. It has been a big toll on our family the last week.
We will all be glad when he finally gets better.
My life has been a bit similar. It has been up and down and up and down again.
School and work are both kicking my butt. I am about to drop a class because I have so much on my plate. At times I just feel so weak and not motivated to move on.
At the same time I am learning how to trust and how to have a healthy relationship, even just a friendship. When I finally thought I was "getting the hang of it," I was proven wrong.
It is hard to finally trust someone and then have them hurt you. Something I am so used to but by not allowing myself to trust and be honest I have not experienced it in awhile.
I am hurt but know that God is in the middle of this hurt. I soon hope I will be able to forgive again and allow myself to trust and love.
God gives us a greater love for believers. For they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They are our support system and those who we fellowship with. Without them we are not working together to fulfill Gods kingdom. We all are here for different tasks for different parts of Gods plan.
I am learning so much about Love and friendships and what a healthy relationship should look like.
I am learning that there is a difference between listening to your heart and listening to your head.
My heart is telling me on thing about a good friend of mine, but my head is telling me to ignore my heart and go with my instincts. I am having to pray and to seek God more and more. I find myself at the end of the day falling flat on my face in prayer.
I know My brother is getting stronger and healthier every day, and I know that soon enough I will get stronger and my friendships will get healthier in time. It is just going to take me a bit longer.
Be patient with me, in time I will come around.
thanks for reading.
Amy, you and your brother will be in my prayers :`)