Saturday, March 6, 2010


I finally decided how to trust. For me trusting does not come easy at times even impossible.

I am learning that no mater what trust is a necessity in life, and in relationships. It took me the longest time to realize this, as well as being hurt more times then I wish.

I have finally realized that no matter how scared I am to trust or how afraid I am of being hurt, I still need to trust. Trust myself, trust others but Most importantly and foremost God.
Yes I know I will get hurt along the way, and at times I will be be resistant but I am going to take a step and be honest and trust. 
You can leave it or take it. With out trust you are just going about life and not really living. 

To love is to allow others to know the deepest, most secretive parts about you and know they will still love you. That is something I have had to grasp. That even though I feel there are somethings I can not tell people, if they really care about me then they will look past those faults. 

Honestly has been amazing thing to learn, as well as knowing that It is okay to not want the approval of others. I myself find myself never caring about what people think about me. It is not something that effects me, but I have come to realize I do need to care what those people closest to me think about me. 

I am just hurting myself even more by not trusting, I am not allowing relationships to grow and strengthen. I am missing out on somethings because I am too cautious. 

it is time I learn to trust.
thanks for reading.
with lots of love,

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