Sunday, January 24, 2010

I am not sure what to even think right now.

its crazy how sometimes someone is just put on your mind and you are not sure why.
OR it is crazy how you have friends from high school or just old friends in general that you never talk to but you still think highly of them and love them.

I was just thinking about a few friends from high school and thought I would send them a message or tell them hello.
I have done a lot of reminiscing and writing on peoples walls to tell them I was thinking about them or how much they meant to me.
You can never hear that too much.

It is interesting to find out how people are doing, what college they are going to, or even who they are dating.
You always expect you will hear from them, or that ever once in awhile you will just say hello.
I was looking at a old friends profile and had just sent a friends request because I wanted to catch up with her. I was snooping around and found out she had died this week. I am still in shock. How weird it is to never have that friend request answered, or to never be able to tell her hello or to see how she is doing.
Gosh I do not know how I will finish my homework now.

I just got off the phone with another of my friends and that put me in a bit of a funk as well.
I always think that I will have time or another day to tell a friend or a family member what i think of them or how much they mean to me.

I am not trying to sound cheesy or to be cliché but I am trying to make a point

there are so many people I love but there are just as many people I need to stress how much they mean to me.
I am not much of a people person nor do I easily share my feelings but I need to learn how to appreciate my friends and how to love the close ones I have.
Not so much because of my friend. Yes she was a friend, but i have a lot on my mind and my heart is heavy.

gosh my heart aches right now.
thanks for reading. 

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