Sunday, October 25, 2009


How am I? this is a question I hate to answer.
ask any of my friends and they will tell you that when something is bothering me I will change the subject numerous times until someone one gives in.

My life is at a stand point. I am not going anywhere really but my feet are just on the ground. If they were on level ground that would not be so hard on myself but they are not. I am just existing but rather living. I have been beating myself up for not taking amazing classes nor do I have the greatest job(s).
I am am just making ends meet and going with the flow is how things are going right now.

I stayed at the house that I lived at for almost 4 of the 5 months I was out of the house my senior year. It was really hard. I have avoided going there as much as I could since then, even though that used to be my hide away, as well as the place where I could talk and let everything out. That is something I do not allow myself to do anymore.
I was not there more than 5 hours each day and yes that is calculating the time I slept. Therefor it was a very tiring week.
I could not help but also wish I was comfortable there, because i missed that comfort. It is strange to say that I came home during the day to get things done as well as take a shower and different things. The place I have tired to get away from is the place I returned but not cause I felt security there but because it was familiar.
That has been a constant theme in my life.
Something that I am need to work on. I have fallen back into some old "habits" if you want to call them that.
I am not sure why but that because it is something that I have never and deny to resolve. It has been a constant that I am not sure how to let go.

I love sleep. my life has the tendency to fall apart when Im awake you know?
-- Ernest Hemingway

its been a really hard week this is only one of the things that are bothering right now but that okay I suppose life goes on. Life goes on.

1 comment:

  1. you and i would make excellent best friends...if we only had the chance. maybe one day we will...til then keep your head up when it's hardest to do so. Life doesnt go on bc at some point we feel like every day is the same and life changes....but we as persons go on. We persevere through the unthinkable...the unimaginable...well those of us who are strong enough to do so. As for those bad're only human. Not to be used as an excuse but it is truth and temptations, weaknesses, and desires are hard to control but making an effort is enough! Admit your mistakes, change what YOU want to change, and don't let other people dictate what you don't want. Love ya hun...

